Before any successful venture, the first thing a good leader does is define the objectives. To be a success in building a business, launching a new ministry, playing in a sporting event or fighting a war the first step is to define our objectives. Every good business man, every coach, every General and every Pastor knows this is true. I believe it is also true of the Christian life. I we are to be successful Christians we must first establish our objectives.
Wrong Objectives
The first mistake we make is setting improper objectives. As Christians, we have become self-centered and, dare I say it, humanistic when it come to our relationship with God. Our objectives are:
Feel guiltless
Feel good
Look good
and get stuff from God
If we see Christians who appear to feel guiltless, look good, feel good, and get stuff from God, then that must be a good Christian, right? On the other hand when we see Christians who struggle with sin, or with their walk with God, then obviously these are bad Christians, if Christian at all! Right? O.K. With that premise in mind, would some one please explain Job to me? or John the Baptist? or Steven? If our goals or objectives focus on us, then something is amiss.
God-centered Objectives
As Christians, if we are to succeed in our Christianity, we must set God-centered objectives. We must etch those objectives in stone. Every action must be taken; every decision must be made in light of these objectives. And God must be at the center of those objectives. A prominent television news anchor was said to carry a small piece of paper in his pocket everywhere he went. The words written on that paper were also written on a note that lay on his deck, and another on another card, stuck to his bathroom mirror at home. The papers all read:
"How is what I am doing right now, going to effect the evening broadcast?"
Seven Biblical Objectives
I spent over a month chewing on this idea of the objectives of the Christian life. I believe their are seven main objectives of a Christian that will lead to a successful Christian life. I plan to share them in detail in the days to come. But to sum it all up, I believe the Christian truly has seven objectives in his life:
Fear God
Obey God
Please God
Thank God
Glorify God
Trust God
Love God
Every goal, every action, every step the a Christian is supposed to take will fall under one of these seven objectives.
(Note: Seven is the Biblical number of perfection.) Follow along, if you will in the next few days, as I share with you what the Bible says about these Seven Biblical objectives.
Just a thought. Thank you for reading.
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