Saturday, August 14, 2010

Uncertain Signs

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

1 Peter 1: 19-23

Driving from Davenport, Iowa across the Centennial bridge brings you across the Mississippi River and into down town Rock Island, Illinois. Coming off the bridge, I see this sign pole. I'm not sure what this sign is telling drivers not to do. I know I can't turn right. I guess it means, "Do not turn right; don't even think about it from any direction; no way no how!" It doesn't make since, but after all, it is Illinois.
I drive a lot: approximately 150 to 200 miles a day. I need the signs to make since. I need the maps on my GPS to make since. Its O.K. that the nice woman's voice can't pronounce Des Moines properly, I just need to know how to get there.

I am, concerned about the church today. C
hristianity as a whole does not seem to be able to read the signs. If Christians do not know what road to take, how can we then give direction. There are too many Christians with an opinion, with a philosophy about what it is to have a relationship with God. Religion in America has become a vague eclectic soup. Any ingredient is acceptable, as long as its warm and it tastes good. This brand of Christianity is the best sign we have of the end times.

Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing:

and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.

Ecclesiates 8:5

1 Peter says we have a "more sure Word of prophecy." Even though I may not like the message, I thank God He gave us one. I thank God the Scripture is not given to private interpretation. I don't want a Bible or a church that agrees with me. I want a Bible and a church that professes, "Thus saith the LORD, Now get in line." The Bible is better than miracles. Its better than signs and wonders. I would rather have the Bible than a voice from Heaven or an angel with trumpet. (It would be neat to see one of those, but you get my point.)

The Bible is a more sure Word of Prophecy. Thank God! The road might be rough at times, but thank God its plain.

Just a thought.
Thank you for reading

Monday, August 9, 2010

"That's a Dumb Rule." - An old Argument

A friend of mine started a firestorm on Facebook. She simply asked for the thoughts of her friends concerning new policy presented by their church's Christian school. The policy: No student or teacher would be allowed to have an active account on Facebook during the school year. I was not surprised by the response of some her Christian friends. However, I was grieved by how fierce and bitter the attack was: not by the lost world, but by Christians. The following is my response to her:

"First I want you to notice the tenor of those who opposed the church's position. Do you hear the bitterness in their words? I've heard it before. This is a seed of rebellion you hear.

Obviously, I don't have a problem with being on FB. My church has a FB page. What you have is not a problem with FB. Its controlling the effects it has a the venue of a Christian school. Its not the position but the direction that is a concern of the church. Let me explain.

You know, we adopted kids out of foster care. Often I would correct one of them for actions that seemed harmless enough to the passive observer. But I knew my kids. People would say, "Why are you so hard on them?" My response was, "Because I know where this is going."

We never let our kids on social network sites. My kids didn't have cell phones until they graduated high school. Actually, there are a lot of private non Christians schools who have the same ban.

If I'm famous for one saying, it would be, "Everybody likes my pie but nobody wants my recipe." The school is a school, not a home. It has to operate in a different perameter with different objectives. My advice to you is, trust the recipe; it works.

For those angry detractors, I would simply say, its a private school. If you don't like the rules, don't send your kid there. I hope you know we love you and your family. I hope you don't take too much flack from either side. Whatever happens, walk with God. Take care."

I hope she has the courage to do the right thing. I hope she decides time off from Facebook is a small price to pay for a great Christian education. I grow so weary of the small Christians who never want to be told what to do. Just a thought. Thank you for reading.

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

Jeremiah 12:5